our studentS SPEAK

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who we are

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The Creative Quills Writing Group was started at the request of Library Director Amy Brandley and El Reno musician Colin Forsey.  Their vision was to show the creative abilities of residents in the greater El Reno area.  When writer/editor walked into the El Reno Carnegie Library to tell Amy about the Write, Publish, & Market Your Book course at CVTech in March 2015, the three decided to offer a free writing group at the library for Poetry Month.  That group continues on, having added fiction and writing exercises and workshops ever since.

our approach

Every other week, we offer writing exercises and projects, advice for contests and other events, such as National Novel Writing Month and Open Mic nights, and moral support for writers and creative artists.

"I'm trying to get my feet wet in writing, with Andrea Foster's encouragement. She is awesome, and I am very grateful for this opportunity!" --R Brown         

"A place to feel safe sharing my thoughts, honest and gentle feedback and a chance to spread my wings!"--J. Marquardt

"Keep pounding at the keyboard. One of these days, I might just come out with something worth trying to publish. Always looking for ideas to improve and grow." --Peg   

"Thanks for all your comments. Having an audience and an editor is really helpful. I would have never wanted to do this if I had not taken your class." --Mel H

"You remain a key influential person in my writing career and I want you to never forget that, despite time and distance from you mentorship. I appreciate the gift of self-publishing that you have walked me through. Thank you again for being the one person who took the time to explain and walk me through how to do this." --Dale G.

"I want you to know I appreciate all you have done for me. I will be back in the class at a later time and will continue writing. 
Also, Author Central informs me that I sold 69 books from Dec 2 to Dec 22. ...Look what you have done!  I never dreamed I would be where I am right now. Thank you very much for your guidance and help in all of it.
Kindest regards, Ed"